The Orwin Manor Westminster Association (OMWA) founded in 1983, offers the best of two worlds – a neighborhood association with voluntary membership but without the rules, regulations, or assessments of a homeowners’ association. Many volunteers contribute their time and energy to improve our neighborhood.
Order a Centennial T-shirt or a Different Shirt
Order a shirt in time for the Centennial Celebration on Saturday, November 16th, 12:00pm – 4:00pm at The Park at Orwin Manor. We sent logos to nearby Big Frog Custom T-Shirts at 975 S. Orlando Ave. (at Michigan Ave.), Winter Park. There are many available styles of shirts and colors. One or two of the logos (see T-shirt pictured and the two logos) may be placed in various locations of your choice. Mention Orwin Manor logos and they will walk you through the process: 321.972.8879,, Pictured is the Next Level brand t-shirt in Tahiti blue. FYI: For a culinary experience, check out Mama Napoli located next door to Big Frog.

Incentives for Historic Designation of a Residential House in Winter Park, Florida
- No fees for: application, certificate of review, designation, or variance review
- Complimentary bronze plaque offered to owners of designated properties
- Reduced or waived building permit fees – the permit fees are currently calculated at 9/10% of the value of the overall construction
- Waive the cost of undergrounding electric service from the street to the structure ($3,000 value)
- A rehabilitation grant program with 50% match up to $25,000 for exterior improvements
- Use of historic setbacks, which are less than current ones for new standalone structures or additions
- Potential for an accessory dwelling unit which can be rented
- City staff assistance with preparation of National Historic Register applications
Winter Park, Florida’s Designation Application Form